Numa App Guide Screenshots

ℹ View screenshots of the Numa app to guide you through its features & functions.

Updated this week

🚪 Login/Authentication:

Screenshots related to the login process and authentication.

🚪 Login or Sign Up Page:

📝 Sign up page:

🔑 Login page:

💡 When logged in, you'll see this navigation bar at the bottom:

🏠 Home Screen:

Screenshot displaying the accounts, cards, balance, and other information.

🔓 Before creating an account:

🔒 After creating an account:

💼 Accounts:

Screenshots focusing on the account in activity, management, and details.

💳 Cards:

Screenshots displaying the detailed view of individual cards, accessed from the home screen.

💳 Card details:

⚙️ Card settings:

💸 Transfers:

Screenshots showing the transfer options between different accounts.

✖️ This is the transfers page when you don't have an active bank account:

✔️ This is the transfers page when you have an active bank account:

🌱 Grow Hub:

Screenshots showing freelancer's growth tools, help center, and other info.

👤 Profile:

Screenshots related to the profile section for editing personal information, adding logos, managing phone numbers, etc.

⚙️ You can access the profile from the three dots in your Homepage:

🤝 Customer Support:

Screenshots or steps involving the use of the help icon or messenger functionality for support.

Look for a small icon in the bottom corner & click it to see our Help Center or send us a message:

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